About Andrea
Andrea Wagemaker M.Ht., C.Cht.,
My past career involved working in the medical community and in hospitals as a practical nurse. During this time, I had the honor of working with a family doctor that practiced Hypnosis in Victoria. B.C. (1989). I was so impressed on seeing people’s lives changes with the power of their minds. He treated many conditions; from fear of flying to shutting down that voice in your head to get a good night’s sleep. He showed me that clinical hypnotherapy is a proven drug free solution!
I completed my Hypnotherapy studies through The Canadian College of Advanced Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (R.E.P.T) through Renaissance Life Therapies Training Academy. My studies also include diplomas in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic Attacks and "Take Back Your Life" Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Therapy, Certified Life Purpose Coach and the art of Indian Head Massage. I am honoured and privileged to have my articles on Narcissistic Abuse Recovery published to reach out to people who really want to change their lives. I love working with clients and I know everyone holds the power to shift into their own passions and desires with inner strength. Yes, it really is an inside job, you will see and feel what a difference just one session makes.
With Gratitude.